
Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Constipation

It is estimated that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) effects one in five Australians, with over half that number being women. IBS can present with bloating, heaviness, fatigue, brain fog and constipation. IBS caused constipation can leave you feeling heavy, lethargic and low energy.  Not a nice feeling at any time,

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What is GAPS and How Do I Know if it is Right For Me?

GAPS (Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) is a condition which establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain. The protocol was developed by a Russian Scientist – Dr Natasha Campbell McBride. It is based on her experience as a neuroscientist, Nutritionist and as a mother of

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Boost Liver Health with Coffee Colonics

How do you take your coffee? Yep, that’s right, we are discussing coffee but consumption via the back end. Don’t let that scare you off, it’s all in the name of health! Coffee inserted rectally has been used as a healing and cleansing method over the past 100 years. Particularly

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Home Enema Procedure

Here is a step-by-step guide to administering an enema at home:  What you’ll need: A couple of large, old towels A pillow A teaspoon of organic almond oil, olive oil, or coconut oil for lubrication 2 litres of filtered water at body temperature A clean enema kit A relaxing essential

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