

PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome is also sometimes referred to as PMT or pre-menstrual tension. PMS is such a common complaint from many of my female patients (about 75% of women suffer from PMS) and I find that many ladies see it as a ‘normal’ part of being a woman. And yes, for around a day

P.M.S. Read More »

magnesium deficiency signs

Magnesium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms & How to Fix It

What is Magnesium and Why is it Crucial for Optimal Health Literally the miracle mineral. Magnesium is integral to a seemingly endless amount of pathways within the human body. Magnesium winds its way around our body throughout various organs, tissues and hormones. It is easy to see why magnesium is the crucial ingredient in a

Magnesium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms & How to Fix It Read More »

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