Magnesium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms & How to Fix It

What is Magnesium and Why is it Crucial for Optimal Health

Literally the miracle mineral. Magnesium is integral to a seemingly endless amount of pathways within the human body. Magnesium winds its way around our body throughout various organs, tissues and hormones. It is easy to see why magnesium is the crucial ingredient in a number of systems that keep our body healthy and flourishing. Without a sufficient amount of magnesium in the body many, many critical physiological functions will begin to fall apart.

Magnesium- A Chronic Deficiency Story

This modern day world is filled with deadlines, financial commitments, peer pressure and excessive stimulation. It is because of all these things and more almost every single person is chronically deficient in magnesium. Chronic stress is a big magnesium thief. Simply put, when we are under a state of stress magnesium is dumped out of our cells and yet magnesium is the very thing we need to combat this stress. If that isn’t already bad enough, many of us live in places where fluoride is added to our water. Fluoride binds to magnesium, making it less bioavailable.

The Relevance Of Magnesium & Why We Need It

There really is a reason why it’s referred to as the miracle mineral. Here’s what it’s good for, hint; there is a common theme running throughout all of the benefits.



When talking detox we need to bring up glutathione. Glutathione is one of the body’s main antioxidants which seeks to mop up heavy metals as well as toxic chemicals. However, glutathione cannot function without magnesium. In this way magnesium is key when providing protection against these dangerous substances particularly in the liver and kidneys.

In a nutshell, Magnesium supports detoxification pathways by acting on your liver and kidneys, it does so by pushing out toxic metals including lead and cadmium from cells.

HPA-Axis & Stress

Magnesium is the be all- end all element for calming your nervous system and regulating your HPA-Axis. When it comes to dampening down stress and anxiety levels there is a number of ways magnesium shines.

Increases GABA- GABA is a primary inhibitory neurotransmitter which slows down brain activity. When there is little GABA the brain’s on switch is essentially permanently switched on making it impossible for you to relax.

Reduces stress hormones- magnesium will restrict the release of certain hormones including cortisol which is responsible for anxiety, brain fog, depression, memory loss, mood swings, the list goes on.

Anti-Inflammatory- Chronic inflammation can take up residence in one’s brain, this has been linked to a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders including anxiety, substance abuse, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and again, the list goes on. Where magnesium fits in is when there is actually a lack thereof. Low magnesium is linked to high levels of pro-inflammatory markers which activate cytokines which initiate such inflammation.

Magnesium as an antidepressant- Studies have shown magnesium is successful in treating depression. A form of magnesium has shown to provide significant relief from general depression and major depressive disorder. Additionally, magnesium helps depression by raising levels of serotonin.

Insulin Resistance

Time and time again studies have shown that diets high in magnesium correlate with a lower risk of insulin resistance. This is great news for your brain as it doesn’t get the fuel it needs when your blood sugar drops too low. Magnesium will stabilize blood sugar levels ensuring your brain will get a steady supply of its main energy source- glucose. Great news all round.

Sleep Integrity

When experiencing insomnia there is a good chance a lack of magnesium is to blame. Those who have low levels of magnesium often experiences less sleep and when they do sleep it’s a restless sleep. Maintaining magnesium levels will likely lead to a more restless sleep. It does this by regulating GABA (remember that neurotransmitter mentioned earlier?). GABA actually promotes deep, restorative sleep. Magnesium can also help insomnia that’s linked to the sleep disorder restless-leg syndrome. 

Here Are All The Other Things It’s Good For

  • Period Health
  • Migraines
  • Perimenopause
  • Bone Health
  • Boosts exercise performance
  • Benefits against Type II diabetes
  • Can decrease blood pressure
  • Muscle movements
  • Gene maintenance
  • Protein building.

So much more, literally hundreds more…


There are a load of natural ways to get your magnesium fix. However, in today’s world, sadly, even a diet high in magnesium will not be enough to support our bodies throughout the chronic stress we endure. On top of food resources we still need a little or a lot of help when it comes to pulling our magnesium levels up to optimal levels.

  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Spinach
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Chocolate/Cocoa

It is also worth keeping in mind many of these foods suffer a loss in magnesium through food processing and mineral depleted soil.

How We Can Help

Gastrointestinal diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal flora imbalance prevent magnesium absorption. While these diseases are on the more serious end of the spectrum one thing is still clear: a healthy gut microbiome gives you the greatest opportunity to absorb magnesium at an optimal amount.

This is why colonic hydrotherapy comes into the mix. Colonic treatments promote a clearing of unfriendly bacteria, build up faecal matter, plaque and many other scary substances. When your colon is great of these nasties you have the greatest chance to repopulate with the good bacteria, thus ensuring magnesium is easily absorbed.

Final Notes

If it’s not already obvious the common theme is stress. Every pathways magnesium plays a role in has an indirect if not direct impact in easing our physical and mental body from stress and anxiety.

Without there being a “magic pill” to cure such obstacles, magnesium is the closest thing to. If you take one supplement make it magnesium- the miracle mineral.

Written By Sam

Sam has always suffered from food sensitivities and IBS symptoms but she had just learnt to deal with them or more specifically- ignore them.

At some point she fell extremely sick with Glandular Fever and it was then she realised she needed to take matters into her own hands.

She delved deep into the practice of yoga and has since completed a couple of teacher trainings. In studying the practice of yoga she developed an understanding of energy and how it affects us in ways we can only attempt to comprehend.
She then began studying a bachelor in health science specifically designed towards Naturopathy and added Colonic Hydrotherapy to her learnings which enabled her to support her clients on many levels at pH Clinic.

Sam works on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. To book in with Sam just click here.

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