I’m a Mum, Entrepreneur and Health Enthusiast – what do you wanna be?

Its been exactly 5 years since I opened the doors to pH Clinic Manly! And what a 5 years that has been…

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reminiscing and also planning for the future.. Ive got some big news and if you’re feeling a little stuck with your career or motivated for change keep reading, I might have something for you 😉

If 2020 has taught me anything its that “change is inevitable” I’m a gemini so I dig change, it excites me but the control freak side of me makes me find solutions within an unknown space FAST…

If I’m honest, 2020 didn’t rock me as much as entering into Motherhood did. And it wasn’t the whole sleep deprivation thing or traumatic birth thing, it was the love and change that occurred within ME.

I had no idea what I was in for… let me give you some back story!

I opened my own business in 2015 – pH Clinic, at the ripe old age of 25. I had no financial help from family (I never asked), I didn’t even have a credit rating in order to get help from a bank. It was just me … oh and Nicko – he basically kept me alive with food and rent while I watered my garden of dreams and sprouted my first business. Colonic Hydrotherapy is a fringe therapy, if you don’t know what it is, I encourage you to look it up and maybe come visit us 😉 no one had done it locally and Id even had a few family-friends and even strangers say things like “what on earth would you do that for in Manly, there isn’t a big gay community here” lol (she was an elderly woman and safe to say didn’t understand much about health and wellness.) Others said “whats your risk assessment?” “Do you have a business plan?” “What is your projected break even time line?”

I did business studies at high school but I was a creative at heart. I loved Dance and Music and Art, I found Yoga at the young age of 15 and loved anatomy and human movement. I didn’t go to uni and so instead I WORKED… I worked every bloody job under the sun, I did everything from Hospo, Retail, Baby sitting, Cheerleading, Dance Gigs, Make Up Artistry, Promotional work, Cocktail Waitress, Barister, Legal Secretary, Dance teacher…. The list goes on. The things I did were fun and different and earn’t me okay money but I wasn’t fulfilled nor did I find freedom of any kind.

Back on track, I had no idea what I was really doing when I started my business BUT in my mind there was no room for failure and I knew it would work. I knew who I wanted to help and I knew how I was gonna do it.  I spent my life savings securing the lease, getting tradesmen to build the fit out, purchasing equipment and devices, getting council certification to be able to open and Boom.. the rest is history. Since then I’ve gone through many ups and downs, majority of ups (but you only learn from the downs) and I have met so many incredible humans, clients and staff alike. Every time things got hard, I’d check in and ask myself “what else would you rather be doing?” And the answer was always the same, “nothing” so I kept going.

I fell pregnant in 2018 and knew I had to do some serious work on myself as I knew I’d struggle letting go of the business as it was really my ‘first baby’. I  hired my maternity leave cover in April even though I wasn’t due to birth until September. I thought I was so organised and in control, the universe completely flipped me on my head and 4 weeks out from my due date, my mat leave cover, up and left. Then the ripple effect of that was other people leaving… things were crumbling around me and at the time I was so defeated and depressed I thought it was all a sign to just give up. But I didn’t, what is that song… “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going” so in my 38 week pregnant state I recruited what seemed like a group of angels. They allowed me to take maternity leave and become a mumma as intended all the while holding space for clients as I would have done as if I was there.

I thought I would be back at work after 3 months, and I had all those ideas of bringing Bub to work with me etc etc… oh how different reality is. The truth was….

I fell in love with being a mum… I didn’t want to be working 6 days a week anymore. Not saying I never wanted to work again but I had no desire to race back to work even though the clinic was my first baby. I didn’t love the clinic any less, it was still a stream of joy and stress but I knew it was in good hands and the community I had created was holding space for me to take my time.

Scotti is now 2 years old and an absolute boss lady! She is a massive mumma’s girl and we hang out every day somewhere between the beach, a cafe, the park or our beautiful home in Allambie. I have integrated back in the clinic 2-3 days per week and she hangs out with my mum or Nicko when I work but I have no ambition to work more than that.  I juggle back end stuff when/if she sleeps in the day and have great staff who fill the gaps. I wanna be with her, watch her grow and have conversations with her about all the things that come up in her little mind. I wanna hug her when she’d sad and laugh with/at her every opportunity I can. So here’s my predicament? How can I  earn a decent income to support the lifestyle we want to live while being a present mum?

As you may or may not know, as a small business owner, you’re always the last to get paid, first its staff, rent, suppliers, utilities, insurances, maintenance and then if there is anything left over you might get some. When I went on Mat leave I was still running the business from a far and keeping it all going but if the business wasn’t flat out killing it then I wasn’t getting a wage. I don’t think any business kills it unless the owner is there driving the ship. So thats the sacrifice I made. I want to have financial freedom and abundance in my life and so I have been dabbling is different business ventures and investments in the gaps of my time. I have a very clear vision on what I am going to create in order to allow me to be a mum, business owner, have more children and have no regrets.

I have launched another business (off the back of pH of course) but this one is all online. I cant wait to share it with you. I am looking for self motivated, “go get em” individuals who are passionate about health and sustainability and want to create financial freedom, I’m talking 6 figures – no previous business experience necessary!

If you are health minded, a business owner previously or current and want to expedite your earning capacity with no trappings or bullshit, just opportunity.

If you are a health minded mum who actually wants to be a mum but also contribute to your family and gain financial freedom.

If you are unemployed or uninspired in your current role and want to work on building your own brand and business.

Drop me an email nicola@phclinic.com.au and I’ll plug you right into our 48 hour launch coming up next weekend.

I cant wait to share some more big news with you soon.

Stay tuned because 2021 is gonna be HUGE!

pHClinic Team

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