Meet the team – ISO Edition Part #2

So last time we found out Social Isolating wasn’t so bad, it gave us more time… Crazy!

And the things we can live without, well we probably will live without!

Here are more of our tribe piping in with what’s been going on in ISO.

Kylie Dowling – Nutritionist/Colonic Hydrotherapist 

What is the number one thing you have missed? First thing you will do once Isolation is over…

I’ve missed having my own space! Don’t get me wrong l have loved all the time with my husband and kids but l also enjoy my own time for self care. It’s hard to meditate when all you hear is “where’s Mum”. 

Have you done anything special since being in isolation? 

It has been special just reconnecting with the kids with board games, outdoor fires, puzzles and movies. As they have gotten older and more independent they are out and about more and even having dinner all together was a special occasion as the 19 year works at night. 

Birthdays/Anniversaries? How did you celebrate? If not, online cooking class anyone?

So l organised with our neighbourhood friend to be outside at a time, it was like a walk through party music playing, gifts delivered via remote control cars, balloons and singing. It was one to remember 

How has your daily routine changed?

I didn’t realise how much time was spent running kids around for activities so the routine has changed a lot in that way so we have more time and also not making school lunches (you can probably hear me cheering) I used to go to gym at 6am and know l’m walking 5 days about 10km, we truely live in a beautiful part of the world. 

What have you been listening to?

We had lots of concert tickets that have been cancelled so have been listening to some of them Supergrass, Died Pretty, You Am l and lm in love with Paul Dempsey so his a regular. I have a family of guitar players so of course there’s a lot of home music. 

Can live without vs Can’t live without…

This is a hard one but l think l could live without going out for dinner but definitely can’t live without holidays and even the process of planning a trip. 

One thing you have discovered about yourself during ISO?

I discovered that pre iso l almost felt guilty if l wasn’t doing something so l have discovered that l’m ok with just being. 

Natalia Savenko – Kinesiologist

What is the number one thing you have missed? First thing you will do once Isolation is over…

Dancing!!! I normally go salsa at least once a week. Miss the joy, the fun and the social aspect! 

Also I’m looking forward to being able to sit down and enjoy my coffee on the beach, instead of having it on the go! Lol

Have you done anything special since being in isolation? Birthdays/Anniversaries? How did you celebrate? If not, online cooking class anyone?

The most special thing I’ve done is learnt proper swimming 🏊🏼‍♀️ Locals always get surprised by that, but there is no need to learn how swim when you are growing up in Siberia! This is as far as it gets from the ocean! Lol In 6 weeks I went from waist deep drills to doing Bold & Beautiful swim! Loving it! 

How has your daily routine changed?

Apart from doing Kinesiology, I also teach Pilates so the most obvious answer – I didn’t have to get up at 5am every morning! Lol 

That allowed me to stay up late and tap into my creative flow. I really loved spending time at home, uninterrupted, reflecting on life, work, reading, watching and writing. That is a positive of living in my own though:)

What have you been listening to?

‘Sing through decades’ on Spotify. Good fun:)

Can live without vs Cant live without…

Strangely enough, I can’t point anything that I couldn’t live without! Probably walks outside!:)

One thing you have discovered about yourself during ISO?

I CAN be on my own and enjoy it! Simple but… normally with my two jobs I would interact with roughly 150ppl a week PLUS social dancing, constant friends catch ups and events. I always get energised by connecting with ppl and couldn’t imaging life without it! Well, it exists! Lol

Tiffany Mooney – Clinic Admin

What is the number one thing you have missed? First thing you will do once isolation is over…

I’ve really missed going out to Dinner, so as soon as we can my friends and I plan to go out for a slap up meal! Cooking 3 meals at home has been amazing but I’m over the dishes!

Have you done anything special since being in isolation?

We have had a few friends birthday celebrations and a few Trivia nights Via the HouseParty App. But I spent most of my time making a new website for my tiny Jewellery label.

How has your daily routine changed?

My routine changed hugely! From having multiple jobs to nothing gave me 24 open hours a day, I caught up on sleep had the opportunity to watch The Tiger King at my leisure and had a choice of what I wanted to do day to day – within isolation reason.

What have you been listening to?

My boyfriend has made a ridiculously good ISO playlist on Apple Music, we have been cranking it up especially while cooking dinner, Prince, Heart, Al Green, Elvis, Joy Division – All the greats!

Can live without vs Can’t live without…

Can live without getting in car every day, Who Knew!?! Apparently can’t live without looking at Animals behaving weirdly at least once a day on Instagram.

One thing you have discovered about yourself during ISO?

I have discovered Im more than ok in trackies and a t-shirt, restrictive clothing is now known as Pre-Iso dressing.

Isabella Carvalho – Massage Therapist

What is the number one thing you have missed? First thing you will do once Isolation is over…

I’ve been missing my Sunday’s routine, which is basically going to coffee shops and meeting some friends.

Have you done anything special since being in isolation? Birthdays/Anniversaries? How did you celebrate? If not, online cooking class anyone?

I’ve bought an online drawing course, which was really fun. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have done it if I was busy on my daily routine, and as drawing was something that I really enjoyed doing when I was little I felt a powerful connection to my inner self 🙂

How has your daily routine changed?

I’ve been cooking heaps, going on very long walks that brought me to spots around home that I didn’t even know it exists. I’ve also been allowing my mornings for some good stretchy yoga.

What have you been listening to?

Erykah Badu is recently being the top one on my Spotify, together with a Brazilian singer called Ceu. Two amazing women who sings beautifully.

Can live without vs Cant live without…

Can definitely live without going to the mall, and can’t live without hanging out with friends, I love to call them for wine and music at home or going to theirs, I miss it sooooo much.

One thing you have discovered about yourself during ISO?

I’ve always said that I’m not a good cook, but those times are over lol. I’ve been trying new recipes and I found out how magic and fun being at the kitchen can be 🙂

Joh Fox – Colonic Guru

What is the number one thing you have missed? First thing you will do once Isolation is over…

I have missed going away for the weekend! The first thing ill be doing is heading down South for a new adventure in my Van.

Have you done anything special since being in isolation? Birthdays/Anniversaries? How did you celebrate? If not, online cooking class anyone?

Yeah we have had a few celebratory moments, as a household of 6 people we actually could have a bit of a party and we celebrated my sisters engagement with Japanese food and Champers.

How has your daily routine changed?

Well to be honest it hasn’t changed a great deal, I have been at home working on my Jewellery business and spending more time on that and other creative projects, just with a bit more spare time.

What have you been listening to?

I have been listening to the Super Feast podcast, as well as Beach to Sandy, Water too wet – which is a podcast based around bad reviews, good for a laugh.

Can live without vs Cant live without…

Can live without caffeine, including chocolate, I have just given it up and its been much easier than I expected. Cant live without my craft projects, my family and Olive Oil.

One thing you have discovered about yourself during ISO?

That I love having an early dinner (around 5PM when possible) and that I’m really bad at painting…

pHClinic Team

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