Our Community – Meet Nick

Sharing personal stories from within “Our Community” with the hope to bind our already tight knit tribe even further and create comfort and relatability for all friends – old and new. 

This is Nick. Nick is our owner Nicola’s fiancé, partner in crime, baby daddy, powerhouse support man and basically partner in all things business and life. So let’s just say he’s a huge part of our community by default but also by organic and fundamental alignment. Nick is super humble and so would never admit that he is essentially a health wizard (note: there is currently no accreditation that acknowledges this qualification). His extensive knowledge of all things health and the human body is actually unbelievable to be honest, so his clients that come to him (usually for injuries/movement/rehab) come away with a whole new understanding of the intricate workings of their bodies and the incredible link between the physical and energetic body.

Nick has built his entire business by word of mouth and his waitlist speaks for itself. The detail, understanding and time he spends with each client is beyond any Chiropractic service we’re aware of and most clients are clients for life.

We’re also super excited to share that Nick will be working out of pH Clinic very soon!! Stay tuned for more on this….

Anyway, we decided to ask our Chiro, Health Wizard, coach friend a bunch of questions so we can learn a little more about where he comes from and how he got to where he got to today…

Tell us a bit about your upbringing?

By and large I’m very fortunate in my upbringing – I had (and still have) a family that provided everything one could need to be healthy and safe and i was also provided with plenty of opportunities to find things that lit me up and took me in the directions that i ended up choosing. No one was pushy though, not about anything.

I love health and movement, learning and reading, spending as much time with my family as possible and trying actively to be better in all aspects of my life (including work).

I have had many experiences (many great, some that i thought were tough at the time that later proved to be instrumental) that have shaped my life currently – luckily they’ve often been acknowledged and rewarded in many forms but they’re largely unimportant to anyone reading im sure.

What are some of your guilty pleasures?

I do like chocolate to be honest – although i should mention that i never feel guilty about it haha.

What exactly do you do? (On paper)

Currently i’m a manual therapist (registered Chiro) that works predominantly with movement based diagnostics and rehabilitation in conjunction with other health considerations (including but not limited to: health generally, nutrition/biochemistry, sleep/circadian biology, EQ and mental health and neuroceptive safety). I believe that the body never makes mistakes but rather adopts strategies that need our understanding and empowerment, not judgement and “fixing”. I try to make myself redundant as soon as possible in someone’s support network and as such feel i need to spend a long time in the first consultation getting to know the person and as much of their “brief” as I possibly can to provide guidance or referral where I can.

I also coach athletes in Kayaking and ski paddling and apply the same holistic principles of training as I do when treating clients.

What started your interest in health/wellness and fitness – if not already mentioned? 

Healthy parents and the resolute belief that Health is truly the most important element in one’s life that needs to be fostered. We need our wits about us because there are plenty of challenges being thrown at our health on a daily basis.

Can you tell us a bit about the infamous OOv? 

LOTS…. but i’ll keep it short. The oov is an amazing device created by an Australian Osteopath/neuroscientist (and mentor to me) Daniel Vladeta. It allows us to accurately and reliably find what’s really going on in someones body (quickly) and help change their body’s “software” so it can adopt the new suggestions as to how it could work differently.

How has life changed for you since Scotti Girl entered the world?

My heart explodes everytime i see her – you can’t know love quite like it until you have a child. I feel lucky, blessed and challenged all at the same time. Life didn’t change per se… It just got better and somethings that weren’t immediately serving me just moseyed into the background for the moment. I cant’ wait to be there every step of her growing up phase and then, after that, however she needs/wants me.

What’s in the pipeline for 2021? What are you excited about?

Quite a lot, but I’m not sure how much I’m aloud to say at this stage. I’m going to be weaving into the folds of pH Clinic and collectively we will be offering a merging of biohacking and biomechanics right in the heart of our hometown to keep delivering quality and thoughtful care to the community that we love. 

pHClinic Team

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