Have you had to isolate recently? Red light is the perfect way to bounce back. Red light provides you with all the healing benefits from the sun without the harmful UV rays.
How does standing in front of a wall of red light help you?

We all know that the sun provides you with ‘ a healthy dose of Vit D’, well … There’s a bunch of recent studies showing the importance of Vit D in relation to Covid – 19 in prevention, reducing severity and aiding in recovery.
However vitamin D deficiencies are on the rise due to the recent increase of people spending time indoors. Unfortunately if you’ve had to isolate recently due to Covid-19 your risk of being vitamin D deficient has increased significantly.
Studies show that Vitamin D levels are a huge determining factor of hospitalisation for COVID-19 patients. In fact in Spain 80% of the hospitalised Covid 19 patients were vitamin D deficient*
Fear Not! Red Light Therapy to the rescue!
Red Light Therapy provides you with the same light and the same benefits and the sun without getting any of the unwanted nasty stuff such as sun burn.
One of the major benefits being increasing your bodies Vit D production.
Of course there are some certain foods and supplements to help increase your Vit D levels but with limited effectiveness. By far the most effective way to increase your Vit D levels is through red light and sunlight.
Just by jumping in the Red light for 20 minutes will make your body more efficient at producing vitamin D for the rest of the day and even into the next.
Why Vitamin D?
Vitamin D plays an important role in preventing respiratory system infections (such as Covid) due to its effects such as stimulating the release of T-lymphocytes (immune system) and clearing respiratory infections by inducing apoptosis and autophagy (cleaning out infected cells) in the infected areas.
In other words your Vit D stimulates your immune system to clean out all the damage or infected cells in your lungs and throat and then replace them with new healthy ones.
Having a sufficient amount of Vit D may also reduce the amount of inflammatory markers and the cytokines storm during Covid-19. This will significantly reduce how ill you feel and the severity in the case that you unfortunately fall ill with Covid -19.
At the end of the day if you are an office worker, working from home, been in isolation or feel as and feel as though you might be at risk of a Vit D deficiency, booking in for Red Light Therapy will benefit you in more way than you think.
Dr Harry
ALTR Therapies
*Hernandez, J et.al 2020 Vitamin D Status in Hospitalized Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Mehmet, K et. Al 2021 The role of vitamin D deficiency on COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies